Monday, March 15, 2010

I'm 25 today!

So today was my birthday! I am 25 years-old. We went to Tucson for the day to shop and eat. My husband told me to pick out anything I wanted and I found myself buying Mr. Brody boy everything!! He racked up at Gymboree, The Children's Place and Toys R US!! I finally got gorgeous curtains for our living room and a camera case that I have been wanting for awhile. Cory bought this Baby Bjorn carrier for Brody and I must say Brody loved it! We went into Ultimate Electronics (which is Cory's favorite new store) and Cory wore it with Brody in it to try it! He didn't want out!

Playing a video game

Just hanging out

My boys

Brody at Toys R Us

Always sticking out his tongue now!

What the heck are you!?

Handsome boy

Never looks at the camera these days!


  1. Looks like yall had a great time in tucson. Love Brodys easter outfit. Brody grammie will see you soon. Love yall

  2. Oh my gosh that first pic was hilarous!!
