Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Brody 8 months old and 4th of July

We had a busy day on the 4th of July. First, Brody turned 8 months old today. It is starting to hit me that in 4 short months, he will be a one year old! Man time really does fly by. Here are some 8 month stats:
* Wears size 3 to 4 diapers
* In 6-9 month clothing but also wears 9-12 month clothing depending on where it is from
* Loves to eat and wants everything in his mouth.
* No teeth yet but man is he teething...I am pretty sure he will be cutting the bottom two teeth very soon.
* Still not crawling but will put his face in the floor and left up on his toes. He has not quite figured out the arm thing yet. He scoots while on his belly and gets to where he needs to be so now it is only a matter of time before he is crawling!
* Loves his walker and walks throughout the house in that thing!
* Loves his dogs.
* Loves bike rides and going bye bye!
* Loves being in the car seat!
* Very playful.
* Laughs all the time.
* Babbles like crazy.
* Still takes about 3 naps a day...woowee!!!
* Loves drinking out of sippy cups
* Loves being outside.
* weighs 21 pounds and about 27 or so inches...daddy's measurements!
* Brody you are the love of our lives and it is so much fun to watch you grow every day!*

We celebrated the 4th of July by attending a BBQ at our friends house. Then, we headed to the park for some fireworks. We got there early and played Ladder Golf and all the kids played on the fields. It was a great time!

Little Man

The ladies man

Looking at the grass

Looking at all the people

Not to sure about the grass

Mommy and Brody
Playing with his toys

Resting before the firework show
Watching the fireworks with daddy

Daddy and Brody

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