Monday, June 22, 2009

It's A Boy!!

It is official...we are having a baby boy! Cory and I are thrilled. We would have been happy with either a girl or a boy. I have been saying all along that it was a girl and man was I wrong!

I had a doctors appointment last Thursday and I was supposed to find out the sex. However, once I got there I was taken into a room without a ultrasound machine. The nurse came in and I finally got to hear the heartbeat! It was amazing! Then the doctor came in and measured my belly (which is huge by the way.) We were then told by the doctor that he was leaving I mean joining the Army and moving to Hawaii!! I was like, "Oh alright!" It was a surprise to us! And then he said that I need to sign out my records and that was it!!! I asked him if we were going to find out what it was liked plan, but he told me I was entirely to early! I was pretty upset but he told us about a 3D/4D place in Tucson that we could go to. So now I am researching to find another OB...ugh!

Cory and I scheduled a appointment with the 3D/4D Ultrasound place for Saturday, June 20. This place was so cool and made me sad a little. The room we went into was massive. I laid in this full size bed and Cory sat next to me. In front of us were all these couches and a huge screen hanging down. I wish our families could have been there but we got a DVD so everyone can enjoy! We first heard the heartbeat again and that never gets old! While she was doing that we got to see the baby. He was moving so much and then BAM...his legs spread open and we got a front view shot of "the goods!" She said, "Well, looks like yall are having a boy!" It was so clear and no question that it is a BOY!!!

We then got to see the baby in 3D/4D and it was so amazing. She wanted to get a shot of "the goods" again but he would not spread his legs. He kept them crossed at the ankles!! We go back this Saturday again to get more pictures and finish the video. Some of the pictures turned out kind of dark so I am hoping we get better pics this next time. Once I get the video I will post it so yall can see our little man!

This is our fav. pic. of our little guy! He is trying to eat his hand!!


  1. Yea, I am so excited that you are having a boy!! Lane is too! Hurry up and pick a name!! Can't wait to see you! Lane sends his love to baby Stokes!

  2. Yay! I am excited for you! Congrats!
