Wednesday, June 1, 2011

18 months

weight: 25.6 (40%)
height: 32 1/2 (53%)

* You have quite the personality

* You play constantly.

* You have 12 teeth.

* Your favorite thing to play with is a bat or golf club and a ball.

* You love to fake cry.

* New words: tree, bird, choo choo (train), treat, mine, three, fish, uh-oh, aww man.
* You can sign milk, more and eat.  When you are hungry, you come up to me or daddy and sign "eat" and we know exactly what you want.

* You are very smart and learn something new everyday.

* You still love to clean and always want my swiffer mop!

* You are so sweet and such a cuddler. You love giving hugs and kisses. You kiss us all the time and all of your stuffed animals and the dogs.

* You love going on walks.

* You could live at the park if we let you.

* Our favorite place to go is the zoo and you love the fish and duck pond.

* You love your daddy.

* If you are out of your stroller, then the only thing you want to do is push your stroller!

* You copy whatever daddy does.
* You are such a helper.

* You love playing with daddy's tools.

* You know how to open the front door, so I have to make sure it is ALWAYS locked!

* You have an obsession with keys and recently started to like wearing hats.

* Your favorite thing for breakfast is pancakes.
You eat 4 or 5 of the frozen mini pancakes.

* You have to feed yourself and you only want to eat with a spoon or fork.

* You love blankets.  Most of the time you are carrying around your blanket.
* You also love your new pillow pet you just got.

* You push this lawn mower around everywhere. You want to go outside with it but we have no grass!!

* You are so sweet and we love watching you grow every day.

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