Friday, December 4, 2009

1 Month already?

Today Brody is 1 month old! Wow I cannot believe how fast time is going. We went to the dr. and everything looks really good. His genetic screening tests all came back normal. He weighs 10 lbs. 2 ozs. and is 21 3/4 in. long. He is in the 57th percentile for weight and the 50th percentile for height. My baby is a growing boy!

Brody's first month stats:
* Eats 4 to 5 ounces of milk each feeding.
* Eats every 2 to 3 hours during the day or will lose it.
* Sleeps very well at night...wakes up every 4 to 5 hours to feed.
* You love sleeping in your bassinet every night.
* You have the hiccups almost everyday.
* We go through several burp rags and clothes a day because you spit up a lot!!
* Has a mild reflux problem but the dr. is not concerned because you are gaining weight.
* Loves baths except when the water is hate being cold!!
* Knows our voices and will turn when you hear one of us talking.
* Loves to swing in your swing.
* Loves to stare at lights.
* You are very were born able to lift your head up and look around!!
* Loves to lay across daddy's stomach and look around.
* Loves the Kisses Christmas commercial where the Hershey Kisses are in a Christmas tree shape and ringing like will turn your head when you hear it.
* You love to watch TV...just like your mommy!!
* You scream crying when you are hungry or have a dirty def. let us know when you are unhappy!
* You hate having a wet diaper on.
* You are the happiest when you have nothing but a diaper on.
* You love being held...thanks to the family...spoiled him during Thanksgiving.
* You like your paci occasionally.
* You bring joy to mine and your daddy's life everyday!

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